

2022 World Experts Meeting in Barcelona


微醫未來美學診所 陳咸伸院長 與 陳依婷醫師 受邀參加WEM世界專家會議,吸取歐洲專家經驗,交流彼此的經驗。

WEM全球專家會議,時隔 4 年終於回歸,於 2022 年 11 月 4 日至 5 日在巴塞羅那舉行。在為期 2 天的辛克萊專門活動中,來自世界各地的專家將分享對美容醫學實踐的看法和經驗。從科學會議到解剖學講座和 Sinclair 產品組合的使用,專家們互相學習並繼續為患者提供美麗的結果。

WEM, World Experts Meeting, is finally back after 4 years and will take place on the 4th and 5th of November 2022 in Barcelona. During this 2-day Sinclair dedicated event, experts from around the world will share their opinions and experiences on their practice of aesthetic medicine. From scientific sessions, to anatomy lectures and the use of the Sinclair portfolio, our 1200 attendees will benefit from every aspect of this event to learn and keep providing their patients with beautiful results.